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ONW Now Intro

This video was made for our news show called ONW Now. My partner and I spent about a week planning it to come up with ideas that hadnt been done before and were creative. This intro was based off the Parks and Rec intro but set to different background music. We got help from the Animation department, as they helped us create sliding boxs. The whole video was finalized in a couple weeks and was used for every news show we produced the whole first semester.

Lost and Found â€‹


Lost and Found was a video that me and another person made as our final project grade for the end of smester last year. We were given the challenge to put together a video with a topic that had a parallel meaning i.e. love and hate or lost and found. We chose to do the video over our friend Haley who was lost and then found herself through Jesus and her religion. It also mentions in the video how she found herself through music and that she got the chance to be a worhsip leader at her church, which was a dream of hers. I really enjoying filming and editing this video together.


Rebel Club

At the beginning of the year a senior at my school started a club for teens. This club was initially to help those that was insecure and self consious, realize that you are beautiful the way you are and there is no need to change. She started a movement by having people right on whiteboards what they felt insecure about or she would cover up the mirror in the bathrooms to show people that he doesnt matter what you look like. The leader of the club started the club because she was faced with a struggle in her life and learned to overcome it and wanted to help others that were going through the same thing. This was a video made for ONW Now.

Ben Whitney:Block Builder

A lot of times for ONW Now we choose to do feature stories over stuents that have interesting hobbies. I did a video over a Sophomore at my school named Ben Whitney. Ben plays with legos, but he doesnt just build things from a kit or a set of instructions, he builds things based on cool buildings or architecturial structures he's seen. He usually will go to a cool place take a picture of something he is interested in building then will later go home and start to create a replication of that structure out of legos. He also enjoys photography and graphic design stuff. 

Homecoming Parade

A new tradition started up at my school, last year we started having a homecoming parade where each club, fall sports team and activity would be in the parade. As well as the homecoming court canidates for each grade level. The parade was created as a way to celebrate the week of homecoming festivities and celebrate the new school year. I had the chance to make the video for the parade this year and last year. I got interviews from students who watched the parade and from students who were in the parade. I filmed the parade in the morning and finished editing it in one day.

Shannon Smith: Unique Artist

This is another student feature story that I made my junior year. Shannon Smith was a unique student who found herself throught her artwork. Her vibrant red hair and her paintings made her stand out artisically as a person but what many peoplr know her for was the fact that she painted her face most everyday to express her mood for the day. This video was probably one of my best videos and one of the more interesting ones I filmed and edited. It is visually interesting.

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